Baptism Sunday 3/23
Baptism is a public profession of faith in Jesus. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, but haven’t followed Jesus in baptism, please fill out a Connect Card and Pastor Aaron will contact you. We’ll be baptizing people toward the end of the worship service on Sunday, March 23.

Deacon Nominee Voting this Sunday!
We are excited to announce two new deacon nominees, Bruce Muff and Michael Rideout. You may pick up a copy of their biographies in the lobby to learn more about why they have been selected to fill the role of deacon. Reach out to them directly if you have any questions or would like to meet with them to get to know them better. Members will have the opportunity to vote on Sunday.

Easter Weekend
Easter is right around the corner and is an excellent time to invite friends, neighbors, and coworkers to come visit our church. We will be having a Good Friday service on 4/18 at 6pm and 2 services on Easter Sunday, 4/20 at 9am and 10:45am. And Easter morning wouldn’t be complete without our traditional brunch and fun activities for the kids at 10am between the services. Come celebrate Jesus with us!

New SGF Members
We’re excited to announce and welcome six new members to our church! Keep an eye out for them and start to get to know them better… they’re part of the SGF family!
Mexico Missions Trip
We send a short-term missions team to Mexico every year, where we do a week of Bible lessons and awesome activities for kids, get some construction done for local families, and provide support and encouragement for Pastor Jorge and our sister church in Ajusco.
Text or phone Steve Gallo 916-832-9574 if you have a large vehicle that you are willing to let the team borrow for the trip. We especially need large trucks and trailers.
Donations may be made using the button below. Thank you for your support.

Childcare Helpers Needed Wednesday Nights at SGF 6-9pm
Childcare helpers are needed to watch the children of the high school leaders while they are working with students on Wednesday nights at SGF. We’re looking for people willing to rotate once or twice a month. Childcare will be onsite in the upstairs children’s area and you have the option to be paid to serve. Contact Noah Reed at (805) 881-2880.
Download Church Center
Download the Church Center app to stay updated about events, sign-ups, giving and small groups.
Be sure to update your profile the first time you login. We transferred information from our last database, and want to be sure all of your contact information is correct. Also, create your household if it hasn’t already been done, add your birthdate, anniversary date, and a current photo.

Join the Audio/Visual Team
Hey all you techies! We are looking for individuals who are interested in helping with audio and/or video duties on Sunday mornings. Contact Paul at worship@sierragrace.org to get started.

Ladies Pie Night 3/14 at 7pm
Join ladies high school age and up for pie and fellowship at Kim Wright’s home at 1900 Walgra Meadows Circle, Meadow Vista. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor to come meet other ladies and feel the love of Jesus in a beautiful setting.
High School Laser Tag Night 3/19
Calling all high school students! We’re having a Laser Tag Night on 3/19. Meet at the church at 6:30pm and we’ll carpool to Roseville. Cost is $25 plus money for In-N-Out. Be sure to invite a friend & register today!
Kids Paint Night 3/21 from 6-8
Feeling creative kids? Join your friends at Kids Paint Night on 3/21 from 6-8 in the Fellowship Hall. The cost is $10 which includes dinner. Invite a friend, register below and come join the fun!

Guatemala Missions Trip 6/20 to 7/2
Interested in learning more about joining or supporting the Guatemala trip? Contact Jan Keller 530-305-8756 or Lysa Wilson 503-581-8702 for details.
SGF en Español Available Now
We are excited to announce that live translations of the worship services will be available in multiple languages including Spanish. The program will also transcribe in English, which will give our deaf and hard of hearing community a way to participate.
This is a great opportunity to tell others about how they can be connected in their native language while attending here at Sierra Grace.
There is a poster in the lobby with a QR code and instructions to access the translation.
Below is the link that is only live during our worship services.