We love our kids! Every Sunday, our kids start in the main service to worship with the rest of the church and are dismissed before the sermon. In their classes, they get an age-appropriate Bible lesson, activity, and good times with their friends. Get to church a little early and stop by the kids check-in station to get registered and take a little tour.

Our Junior High Ministry meets on Sunday mornings during the sermon (they leave the main service when we dismiss the kids) and on Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm in the Youth Room (downstairs).  Text @newtimes to 81010 to get our “remind” text updates.

High School Ministry

Our High School Ministry typically meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Youth Room, but the location changes and we meet in people’s homes during the summer months. Text @sgfhsm to 81010 to receive the high school ministry text reminders.

Young Adults

Our women’s ministry loves to drive our ladies into deeper and more abundant relationships that bring us closer to Christ.  We have wonderful brunches and retreats that are great opportunities to bring a friend and meet some of the women you’ve seen at church.

We may not have fancy brunches like the women’s ministry, but we have Bible studies and awesome events that build comradery.  Iron sharpens iron!

Awana Club

Awana is a boys and girls club which meets at 5:30pm-7:30pm on Sundays.

Meal Train Ministry

Looking to serve families in our church by bringing them a meal? You can sign up to volunteer by clicking the button below!

Christ Caring for People Through People

We have been trained to listen and seek God's healing with you.
One on one - Confidential
For more information call
(530) 324-2334

The worship service is great, but small groups are the place to get to know people and have discussions about our faith and the Bible.