SGF Missions
Missions Guides & Applications
Aguilar Family - Guatemala
Vazquez Family - Mexico
Jorge, his wife Maty, and their 5 children have been serving God by bringing the gospel to the people of Ajusco, Mexico and the surrounding migrant farms for many years. They have also been faithfully partnering with SGF youth ministries for an annual Easter-week short-term mission trip for many years.
Lisbeth Piedrasanta - Bridge Ministry
Over the last several years, our very own Lisbeth Piedrasanta has been ministering to the families who live under a bridge in Guatemala. We call it the “Bridge Ministry.” So far, God has allowed her to help 70 families find shelter, but more are in need. Every family hears the gospel and many are being discipled. Financial support for Lisbeth comes from gifts designated for the Bridge Ministry given to our church.
NextGen Heart Kenya 2025
We hope to embrace HEART’s vision of empowering their next generation within our church
body. We are looking for young adults (NextGen) to join us in serving in Kenya and experience
the Kingdom of God at work, bridging the ministries of the next generation.
Together with HEART’s indigenous team members, we will participate in their various ministries
at NextGen Centers, WEEP Centers, and local schools. We will also assist in building one or
more houses for families in need who are selected by HEART.
Steven Mockford - Sacramento CRU
Steven serves with Cru, working to reach and mobilize students at Sac State, the Los Rios Community Colleges, Sierra College, and William Jessup University. His ministry partners with local churches and functions as a launchpad for students to walk with Jesus and multiply their faith wherever they go next and for the rest of their lives. His team is committed to getting the gospel to every student on every campus in every nation.
Thompson Family - Compton
Jackson Family - Wycliffe
Jason and Leslie joined Wycliffe in 2018 and serve the GTIS department in Web Development, supporting Wycliffe’s vision of the Bible being translated into every language that needs it by 2025.
Will you prayerfully consider partnering with their Wycliffe ministry through prayer and/or financial giving? Bible translation is a huge task, but together we can make it live for all peoples in their heart language!
Beaumont Family - West Africa
The Beaumont family (Jeff, Jackie, Lauren, Sam, and Sadie) left on July 1 for a 2-year opportunity to bring hope and healing in the name of Jesus onboard a hospital ship that will be on the coast of Western Africa. Jeff will be volunteering for Mercy Ships as the Finance Director for their ship, the “Global Mercy.”
Lengtat Family - Czech Republic
Raymond and Breann have been living and serving in the southern Bohemia region of the Czech Republic, with their three children, since 2013. Less than 1% of the CR are evangelical Christians, more than 70% are atheist, and there are so few churches you’d have trouble finding one even if you were trying. The Lengtats were members of Sierra Grace before feeling called to overseas missions and we’re thrilled to support them!
Acres of Hope
Acres of Hope is a ministry in Auburn that provides a safe family environment and a healthy living program for women with children. They walk families through the process of change, healing, and growth that they need to completely overcome the cycles of homelessness, trauma, addiction, and poverty.
Some of the tools they use include: a structured daily schedule, monitored sobriety, licensed counseling, intensive case management, health initiatives, life skills training, parenting instruction, recovery groups, relapse prevention counseling, emotional regulation coaching, job training, and loving learning environments for the children.
Acres of Hope is based on sound, grace-based biblical principles and the latest in brain science, addiction research and trauma treatment.